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A Simple, Quick, and Sustainable Path to a
Peaceful Life.

About PSYCH-K®

A spiritual process with psychological and physical benefits.

PSYCH-K® is a proven and safe way to change subconscious beliefs that perpetuate old habits of thinking and behaving that you would like to change. PSYCH-K® belief change processes are easy to learn and use. They enable you to communicate with your subconscious mind so you can change beliefs that are limiting your self-esteem, relationships, job performance, even your physical health…and much more!  

  • A non-invasive, interactive process of change with a proven record of success for over 30 years!

  • A simple, yet powerful process to change subconscious beliefs that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging

  • A unique blend of various tools for change, some contemporary and some ancient, derived from contemporary neuroscience research, as well as ancient mind/body wisdom

  • A groundbreaking approach to facilitating change at the subconscious level where at least 95% of our consciousness operates.

  • A process that transcends the standard methods of visualization, affirmations, will power, and positive thinking especially effective in the areas of behavioral/habit change, wellness and stress reduction




“Psych” = Psyche; mind, soul, spirit

K = Key to sustainable success


PSYCHK process is to help you free your mind from beliefs that limit the recognition of yourself as a spiritual being having a human experience. Living your life from this awareness is a key step toward self-realization, and can also have a profoundly positive impact on your well-being, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.


How does PSYCHK Work?  

PSYCHK was created from years of brain research and thousands of sessions with individuals and groups.  What happens is a “Whole-Brain State” is created where it becomes receptive and reduces unwanted resistance to change the subconscious mind.  If you think of a personal computer, PSYCHK is like that of a ‘mental keyboard’ – a simple way to communicate with the sunconscious mind that is a simple, direct and verifiable.  When you learn to re-write the software of your mind, you can change the printout of your life.  If you are interested in learning more about the research behind PSYCHK please find more information included in these articles.  


The Science Behind PSYCH-K® 

The following three research papers were published in peer-reviewed publications, based on QEEG/brain mapping research done by Jeffrey L. Fannin, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Cognitive Enhancement, in Glendale, AZ.  Rob Williams, Originator of PSYCH-K®, co-authored the papers with Dr. Fannin. 

The research clearly demonstrates the value of what the authors call, the Whole-Brain State, and its role in the evolution of human consciousness.  The research shows that this bilateral, symmetrical brain wave pattern is created by using PSYCH-K®. Its benefits are enumerated in the research papers themselves.  The papers were published in three different publications, spanning three different disciplines, i.e., neuroscience, psychotherapy, and business.  The fact that the same research was accepted by such a diverse cross-section of publications is evidence of the widespread applications and implications of PSYCH-K®. 


Published in CQ: CAPA Quarterly [Counseling and Psychotherapy Association of New South Wales, August 2012] 
Get this article in PDF format 


Published in NeuroConnections [Neuroscience Newsletter, Fall 2011]   

Get this article in PDF format 


Published in the International Journal of Management and Business [August 2012] 
Get this article in PDF format 

Note: In this paper, the name PER-K® is used instead of PSYCH-K®.  PER-K® was the former name of the business version of PSYCH-K®.  

The belief change processes of both PSYCH-K® and PER-K® are exactly the same, creating the same research outcomes. 


What is a PSYCHK balance?  

A PSYCHK Balance is a process that is designed to create balanced communication between both hemispheres of the cerebral cortex.  In this “Whole Brain State” it is ideal to reprogram the subconscious mind with new self-enhancing beliefs that support your goals rather than block them.  


How is PSYCHK different from other ‘Self-Help’ modalities? 

PSYCH-K® differs from other modalities in a variety of ways. While most change processes have value, there are important differences among them that make a difference. You may be surprised to read about these key differences! Many of these contrasts are addressed in Chapter 7 of Rob Williams’ book PSYCH-K… The Missing Piece Peace In Your Life. To view the contents of Chapter 7, click the following link:  The Differences That Make a Difference. 




Is PSYCH-K right for you?   

The reality is that PSYCH-K works differently for different people, HOWEVER, it is a multi-functional, multi-disciplinary tool that is proven to help many people achieve various goals.  


  • Professional mental health practitioners—PSYCHK can be an effective adjunct to traditional insight-based talk therapies 

  • Physical health challenges – compliments standard medical treatment  by helping to activate the bodys natural self-healing properties  

  • Spiritual seekers – a tool to reduce stress by eliciting a whole brain state (state of consciousness that activates the hemispheres of the brain at the same time to “clear the signal” to your inner spiritual guidance, creating a gateway to higher consciousness….. accelerate your own spiritual evolution 

  • Personal -  transform limiting subconscious beliefs that often block the expansion of ones full potential in life 


Overall, PSYCH-K is a way to help you consciously and subconsciously re-perceive themselves, their circumstances, and their personal potential, in order to have happier, healthier and more satisfying life.   














“That’s empowerment to create the life you want” \

- Bruce Lipton 


Why PsychK?  

- Biology and Physics -

Biology: It used to be believed that genes controlled fate; they determined when we are born, cancer or disease, etc.  However, research shows that this is false; in fact, our mind and consciousness actually controls our genes.  

Then why are you not creating the world you want?  

There are two levels of consciousness:

Conscious: spirituality personal identity

Subconscious:  database (0-7 years old, downloaded behavior and programs)


95% of your life comes from your program, no from the creative spiritual mind  


PsychK is one of the most effective ways on the planet to change programs  
When you change the programs and rewrite them the way you want
       them, then you can manifest your wishes.
Biology is controlled by genes and genes is controlled by our consciousness 


Quantum physics is the most valid science on the planet; consciousness is creating your life experience. If your life is not working out the way you want, its not the universe that’s the problem, its your own mind that’s doing this.  The PSYCH-K® process allows you to rewrite anything that you struggle with as a result of a program.   If you use your wishes and desires to program your subconscious mind, you will manifest heaven on earth without any effort – its automatic.    


The most important understanding is that YOU ARE THE CREATOR, but unfortunately, you have been creating with other peoples programs.  With PSYCH-K® you can program to have health, happiness, love and a beautiful life.  That’s what PSYCH-K® can give to you.   






What's Being Said

After my session I had a client book $1,000 worth of sessions

Better than a massage

After over 20 years of spiritual work, I finally feel like I've had a breakthrough

Feeling light and at ease

My vehicle problems are fixed, the mechanic said its not possible but the issue isnt there anymore

Broken heart feels healed


The worstdays make thebest stories

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